Fart Point Classic 2024
Please identify participant
  1. User
    Participant Identification
    Identify competitor's physical characteristics
    - to determine appropriate bracket(s)
    - to uniquely identify the competitor.
    - to provide login identity for return visits
    - if a coach, referee or volunteer, please be
    gracious and just enter the dang information.
  2. Contact
    Contact Information
    Provide contact information
    - for issue resolution
    - for in-tournament contact
    - for post-tournament announcements
  3. Clubs
    / Assocs
    Clubs / Associations Identification
    Identify club and association memberships
    - to avoid first match vs training partners
    - may use to award points for standings
  4. Upload
    Docs Upload Documents / Images
    Upload copies of required documents
  5. Id
    Review Identity Review & Confirmation
    Please double check your information as
    it controls which activities are available.
  6. Pick
    Events Event Selection
    Register for events in which to compete.
    Register as a coach, referee, or volunteer.
  7. Make
    Payment Make Payment
    Make payment
    - avoid late fees
    - avoid door surcharge

In accordance with the data privacy and protection laws of some countries, all participants need to read and agree to the Privacy Policy. I hereby agree to and accept this policy and understand my data may be transferred to and processed in the USA for the purposes of carrying out this event in accordance with the policy.

Participant Information
* - required
Male     Female
To help you more easily register for just the events that are applicable to you, we need you to identify ONLY the sports in which you have skill or might compete.
Unfortunately skill levels / belt ranks / sash ranks are not standardized, so, if the system we have chosen is not a perfect match, please do your best to find a comparable level. If you have more details that you would suggest we use, please email us at info@EventsReg.org Thank you for your understanding.
Events for each sport / competition grouping may be found here.
Identify your rank to compete!
Sport Martial Arts (SMA) Mat Sports
Tournament Questions
Registration Support
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